Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm Afraid

I think about you always
You consume my every thought
I look at you and see my
entire existence in your eyes
And I can only hope that you see the same in mine
You walked into my life
like a breeze of laughter into a world
of sadness
I want you to know that
I want to tell you how I feel
and what I think of you
I want you to know every aspect of my life
But I'm afraid to tell you
Afraid to let you near me
I'm scared that I'll let myself love you
and you'll do to me what they did
I don't want to hurt anymore but I want to feel love again
I'm scared to that you'll disappear out of my life
and all the shadows
and hues of gray will once again return
I want you to know
that I think about you always
that you consume my every thought
but I'm afraid

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