Monday, January 28, 2008

Nostalgic Tides

She sits on the shore
the ocean reflecting the soft moonlight;
The stars flickering on the dark canvas.
The waves come up
staying only for a brief moment,
before returning to the vastness.
So much like people.
Sweeping in for only a brief moment in time
before leaving just as easily as they came.
Most leaving only bittersweet memories to hold on to.
But sometimes they leave too easily,
leaving a trail of tears
and shattered dreams behind.
Not caring who has to clean it up.
A light breeze picks up
and she notices an old familiar scent in the air.
She opens her heart to the faded memory
letting it wash over her.
She sees him standing there
spouting out promises of one day and ever after.
She believed him,
built her life on the fragile web of pipe dreams.
But then another wave comes up
sweeping the image away
and the tears and dreams along with it.
Once again she sits on the shore.
She reaches up to
wipe away the single droplet that remains on her cheek.
She stands up and walks down the shore,
closer to town.
A noise startles her
and she turns her head towards it.
It's a familiar sound.
She took it for granted then
and now it's cherished as a faded picture
which now plays in her mind
on a screen of delicate gossamer.
She sees him outside on the grass
moving in slow, precise motions.
The others watch intently,
absorbing all details.
She sits nearby
entranced by him
The passion and strength that
flow through him constantly,
and the unbreakable trust that holds them together.
The picture fades
but the smile remains.
And while the waves continue to come and go,
they always leave something behind.

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