Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The War

written January 14, 2000
I walk across the plain of my life,
this desolate desert
My boots thud against the hard earth
Explosions go off all around me
the ground shakes my knees buckle
and I fall once more
I put my arms out
in an attempt to break this fall
But the impact is hard, shocking
I feel the blood trickling down my cheek
Sticky, warm
And I wonder if I should
continue this fight
The battle's old
and the scars deep; painful
My comrades rush to my aid
But I scream out
I don't want their help
Slowly I push myself to sitting
I look up and see a single drop of sun
And I wonder
Why this anger? This hatred? Why?
Maybe because we're afraid
That's why there's hatred in our hearts?
Pitting comrade against comrade
Friend against friend
I keep walking
Steel-toes head high
Ready to fight my own fight
even though I'm tired
I've got bullets in my eyes
and blood on my hands
and the world could drown in the tears
I've shed
But I keep walking
Walking to a rhythm all my own
with strengths that are still unknown

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